Hallo sobat Blogger, AIDA64 Business Edition adalah solusi manajemen jaringan Windows penting bagi usaha kecil dan menengah. AIDA64 Business Edition menyediakan berbagai fitur untuk menyusun, mengelola, dan perangkat keras menganalisa dan persediaan perangkat lunak jaringan komputer perusahaan. kemampuan lembaga ini mencakup diagnosis sistem lokal dan remote, monitoring jaringan, remote control, dan manajemen lisensi.AIDA64 kompatibel dengan semua bit-32 saat ini dan 64-bit sistem operasi Microsoft Windows, termasuk Windows 7 dan Windows Server 2008 R2.
- Automated network audit
With AIDA64 hardware and software information of networked computers can be collected via command-line automation. Details on each computer can be written into CSV or XML report files, or SQL database. Collected reports are processed by the AIDA64 Audit Manager, that can also produce network audit statistics and diagrams on hardware and software distribution.
- Change tracking and network alerting
AIDA64 Change Manager detects and lists changes between network audit snapshots. Both hardware and software changes can be detected per user, per computer, or by date. AIDA64 real-time alerting facility notifies the network administrator via e-mail when a hardware or software change occurs, when the available disk space gets critical, or when the anti-virus database expires.
- Remote monitoring and remote control
The activity and status of a whole network of computers can be monitored remotely with AIDA64 Remote Monitor. Applications and services can be launched remotely, remote computers can be shut down or restarted. With AIDA64 Remote Control it is also possible to take full control of the remote computer to perform administrative tasks and transfer files.
- Hardware diagnostics
AIDA64 has the most accurate hardware detection capabilities in its class, to provide detailed information on the computer internals without the need to open it up. The hardware detection module is strengthened by an exhaustive hardware database holding over 115,000 entries. Additional modules are available to overview processor frequencies, check CRT and LCD display status, and stress the system to reveal potential hardware failures and thermal issues.
- Software and operating system analysis
AIDA64 provides over 50 pages of information on installed programs, software licenses, security applications, and Windows settings. List of started processes, services, DLL files, startup programs, and visited web pages is also available.
System requirements:
AIDA64 Business Edition ini dirancang untuk berjalan pada 32-bit dan 64-bit Microsoft Windows sistem operasi. Hal ini dapat dijalankan langsung dari cakram optik, tetapi dalam kasus seperti perubahan konfigurasi yang dibuat dalam Preferensi perangkat lunak akan hilang.
Operating system:
Processor: Intel Pentium or later
System memory: 32 MB or more
Required disk space to install: 20 MB
New features & improvements:
AIDA64 Business Edition ini dirancang untuk berjalan pada 32-bit dan 64-bit Microsoft Windows sistem operasi. Hal ini dapat dijalankan langsung dari cakram optik, tetapi dalam kasus seperti perubahan konfigurasi yang dibuat dalam Preferensi perangkat lunak akan hilang.
Operating system:
- Windows 95/98/Me
- Windows NT4/2000
- Windows XP
- Windows PE
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Vista
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows 7
- Windows Server 2008 R2
Processor: Intel Pentium or later
System memory: 32 MB or more
Required disk space to install: 20 MB
New features & improvements:
Dukungan untuk desktop mendatang Intel Sandy Bridge dan prosesor mobile
- AVX-dioptimalkan benchmark 64-bit fraktal dan keamanan
- AVX-modul dioptimalkan Stabilitas Sistem Uji
- 64-bit VP8 multi-threaded encoding video benchmark
- Revamped zlib kompresi data benchmark
- Rincian GPU untuk AMD Radeon HD 69xx dan nVIDIA GeForce GTX 570
- Peningkatan dukungan untuk pengendali RAID nVIDIA
- Estonia lokalisasi
Password : www.m-azka.com
NB : Jangan Lupa Komen Yaa :D
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